Peyronie’s Disease: Breaking the Silence on Penile Curvature
Posted on March 01, 2025 by Justin Houman

Peyronie’s disease is one of the most common yet least discussed conditions I see in my practice as a urologist. While many men experience penile curvature at some point in their lives, a significant percentage—approximately 1 in 10 men—develop Peyronie’s disease, a condition that deserves more attention and proper treatment.
If you’re noticing curvature, pain during erections, or feeling hardened tissue in your penis, you’re not alone. Many men experience these symptoms but hesitate to seek help due to embarrassment or uncertainty. Understanding this condition is the first step toward finding effective solutions.
As a specialist in men’s urological health, I’ll break down what Peyronie’s disease is, what causes it, and most importantly, what you can do about it.
What Exactly Is Peyronie’s Disease?
Peyronie’s disease occurs when fibrous scar tissue (plaque) develops inside the penis. This scarring causes the penis to bend or curve during erections, sometimes resulting in significant pain and making sexual intercourse difficult or impossible.
The condition progresses through two distinct phases that require different approaches to treatment:
1️⃣ Acute/Inflammatory Phase (6-18 months)
- Active inflammation occurs in the penis
- Changes in curvature may develop or worsen
- Pain is more common during this phase
- This is the optimal time for non-surgical interventions
2️⃣ Chronic/Stable Phase (after inflammation subsides)
- Curvature stabilizes and typically doesn’t worsen
- Pain usually decreases significantly
- The plaque becomes more fibrous and hardened
- Surgical options may be considered if necessary
Signs That You May Have Peyronie’s Disease
How do you know if you have Peyronie’s disease? Here are some key signs:
✔ Your penis curves or bends during erections ✔ You experience pain during erections or sexual activity ✔ You can feel hardened tissue or lumps under the skin of the penis ✔ Your penis has shortened compared to previous length ✔ You’ve developed erectile dysfunction alongside curvature
If these symptoms sound familiar, you may be dealing with Peyronie’s disease rather than a temporary issue.
What Causes Peyronie’s Disease?
While the exact cause isn’t always clear, several factors contribute to developing this condition:
- Trauma or Injury – Micro-injuries during sexual activity or exercise
- Genetic Factors – Family history increases risk
- Autoimmune Response – Your body’s immune system may attack tissue in the penis
- Certain Medications – Some drugs have been linked to Peyronie’s development
- Lifestyle Factors – Smoking and diabetes may increase your risk
For many men with Peyronie’s disease, the condition develops gradually, sometimes without any noticeable injury.
How to Overcome Peyronie’s Disease
1. Non-Surgical Treatments for Early-Stage Disease
Since the acute phase offers the best opportunity for non-surgical intervention, early treatment is key:
- Oral Medications – Pentoxifylline and potassium para-aminobenzoate may help reduce plaque formation
- Injectable Treatments – Collagenase (Xiaflex) is FDA-approved specifically for Peyronie’s disease
- Penile Traction Therapy – Special devices that gradually stretch the penis can reduce curvature
- Shockwave Therapy – Non-invasive treatment that may improve blood flow and tissue healing
2. Surgical Options for Stable Disease
If your Peyronie’s disease has stabilized (typically after 12 months) and causes significant curvature that prevents intercourse, surgical intervention may be recommended:
- Plication Procedures – Straightens the penis by placing stitches on the opposite side of the curvature
- Grafting Techniques – Removes plaque and replaces it with tissue graft
- Penile Implants – Provides rigidity and straightening for men with both ED and Peyronie’s
3. Address the Psychological Impact
Beyond the physical symptoms, Peyronie’s disease often carries significant psychological effects:
- Talk openly with your partner about the condition
- Consider counseling to address anxiety, depression, or relationship stress
- Join support groups where you can connect with others experiencing similar challenges
- Focus on intimacy beyond penetrative sex during treatment
When to See a Urologist About Peyronie’s Disease
If you suspect you have Peyronie’s disease, don’t wait to seek help. Here’s when you should schedule an appointment:
✔ You notice any curvature, pain, or hardened tissue in your penis ✔ Sexual intercourse has become difficult or painful ✔ You’re experiencing psychological distress due to the condition ✔ You want to explore treatment options before the condition worsens ✔ You’ve had symptoms for more than three months
Book an appointment with a urologist who specializes in men’s sexual health to discuss personalized treatment options.
Final Thoughts
If you’re struggling with Peyronie’s disease, remember that you’re not alone. This condition affects millions of men, and with proper medical care, most can find effective solutions.
The key takeaway? Early intervention offers the best chance for successful management. By understanding your condition, exploring appropriate treatments, and seeking expert care, you can reduce curvature, alleviate pain, and restore your sexual confidence.
Ready to take control of your Peyronie’s disease? Contact a urologist specializing in men’s sexual health today and schedule a consultation.
#PeyroniesDisease #MensHealth #PenileCurvature #SexualHealth #UrologistNearMe