What is Peyronie’s Disease Impact on Erectile Function?
Posted on June 6, 2022 by root
How Peyronie’s Disease Affects Erectile Function
Peyronie’s disease, characterized by penile curvature, can significantly impact erectile function and sexual satisfaction. This condition affects the fundamental mechanics of erection in several important ways.
The penis contains two main erectile bodies, called corporal bodies, each supplied by a primary artery. When Peyronie’s disease causes severe penile curvature, it can disrupt normal blood flow through these arteries. The curvature may create a “kinking” effect on the blood vessels, restricting proper circulation.
As a result, areas beyond the point of curvature receive diminished blood flow compared to what they received prior to developing the condition. This compromised circulation directly impacts erectile function in the affected regions of the penis.
The consequences of this disrupted blood flow often manifest as erectile dysfunction, leading to less satisfying erections and an overall decrease in sexual quality of life.