When is Peyronie’s Disease a Cause for Concern?
Posted on June 7, 2022 by root
When to Be Concerned About Peyronie’s Disease
Peyronie’s disease, characterized by penile curvature due to fibrous scar tissue development, doesn’t always require medical intervention. According to medical experts, there are specific situations when this condition becomes a cause for concern.
You should seek medical attention if you experience:
- Penile curvature severe enough to prevent satisfying intercourse
- Tethering that results in noticeable penile shortening
- Curvature causing penile pain
- New onset erectile dysfunction following the development of curvature
However, mild cases of Peyronie’s disease that don’t interfere with your quality of life or sexual relationship aren’t necessarily cause for alarm. If the curvature isn’t causing physical issues or affecting intimacy with your partner, medical professionals suggest it may not require treatment.
Understanding when to seek help for Peyronie’s disease can help men make informed decisions about their sexual health and overall wellbeing.